"...τ' αληθινό μπόι τ' ανθρώπου μετριέται πάντα με το μέτρο της λευτεριάς..." Γιάννης Ρίτσος --- "...το σκοτάδι δεν μπορεί να διώξει το σκοτάδι. Μόνο το φως μπορεί να το κάνει αυτό. Το μίσος δεν μπορεί να διώξει το μίσος. Μόνο η αγάπη μπορεί να το κάνει αυτό..." Martin Luther King --- "..από μεν ησυχίης και ραθυμίης ή δειλίη αύξεται, από δε τής ταλαιπωρίης και των πόνων αι ανδρείαι... Ιπποκράτης --- "...είναι αδύνατο να θεωρείται ελεύθερος αυτός που είναι δούλος στα πάθη του και κυριαρχείται από αυτά..." Πυθαγόρας
  • Ο καρκίνος είναι ένας μύκητας ... ΚΑΙ είναι ιάσιμος!

  • Πατρίδα δεν είναι το κράτος

  • Θεραπεύστε το πεδίο σας – Θεραπεύστε το σώμα σας

  • Έχουμε φτάσει στο σημείο...Τώρα!

  • Το πραγματικό πρόσωπο της Ευρώπης - μια άλλη προσέγγιση

  • Η άγνωστη γνωστή πραγματικότητα που ζούμε!



Τετάρτη 15 Ιανουαρίου 2014

Yes, They Really Do Want To Reduce The Population – 22 Shocking Population Control Quotes From The Global Elite That Will Make You Want To Lose Your Lunch

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhqL9G1bpzNuAY4kK7gdi5Dunc3P0m6qpGGvLrXUBSgPXPrABuvuoJDU9V3r0_aRAp9Kezs6MTcHR2U8sIL2IyhcRNAeHIhSKvtHB0Js_dk1zhHUcj1_6iZn_-MQi0uglNENVf5tTlzUSc/s1600/population-control-quotes.jpgMost Americans have absolutely no idea, but a very dark philosophy is spreading like wildfire among the global elite.  This philosophy is an obsessive belief that humanity has become a cancer that is destroying the earth.  There are now large numbers of global leaders that are convinced that the exploding population of the world has become like a virus or a plague, and that it must be combated as such.  In fact, it would be very difficult to understate just how obsessed many members of the global elite are
with population control.  The United Nations puts out position papers about it, universities have entire courses dedicated to it, radical population control advocates have been appointed to some of the highest political positions in the world, and some of the wealthiest people on the planet get together just to talk about it.  Those who believe in this philosophy are constantly talking about the need for “increased access” to abortion, contraception and other “family planning” services.  But even with all of their efforts, the population of the world is still expanding and those who believe in this population control philosophy are getting nervous.

So just who are these people among the global elite who believe so fervently in population control?  Some of the names you are about to read below might totally shock you.  Many of them are some of the biggest names in the world.  For example, Prince Charles gave a major speech just the other day in which he bemoaned the rapidly expanding world population: “I could have chosen Mumbai, Cairo or Mexico City; wherever you look, the world’s population is increasing fast. It goes up by the equivalent of the entire population of the United Kingdom every year. Which means that this poor planet of ours, which already struggles to sustain 6.8 billion people, will somehow have to support over 9 billion people within 50 years.”

Many among the global elite believe that the growing world population is the number one problem facing the world.  Many of them are absolutely convinced that overpopulation is the primary cause of “climate change”, is ruining our environment, and threatens to turn the entire globe into one gigantic third world slum.

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